Tuesday 28 April 2009

Section 4(b): Audience Research Results

After gathering our results together we used Microsoft Excel to put our results into graphs and charts in order to make our results more visual. These graphs are shown below.

After looking at the results from our questionnaire, We, as a group, came to eunanamous decisions, that in turn will benefit our production when we finally come to filming the thriller opening sequence as we know what it is that our audience wants from us.
In the Questionnaire, We asked 40 people in total; 20 males and 20 females. 2 were under 16, 35 were between 16-18 and 2 were over the age of 18. This variety was helpful because most of the people we asked were between 16-18 meaning they had a good idea of what to expect from a 15 cetificate, whilst the over 18s gave a great incite into what they expected from their classification of horror film.
We put on our questionnaire a choice of thriller films and then asked people which was their favourite and least favourite. The three films we gave as a choice were ‘Jaws’, Seven’, and ‘Silence of the Lambs’. We found that ‘Jaws’ was both the favourite and least favourite.We found that psychological thrillers were the favourite so we can consider doing one of these as it was the most popular.
We found that 50% of the people we asked liked the plot the most about a thriller. Therefore when we start our thriller we will concentrate on a good plot.We found that 50% preferred to be scared and 50% preferred to be intrigued by a thriller.
We found most people would associate a male with being a killer. Most people would expect a bad character to be evil. 22 people would like to see a lot of blood and 18 people wouldn’t. As this result was close we could consider using a small amount of blood and not making it too gory.Most expect a thriller to be more tension building rather that violent. Most would not expect to be introduced to the killer at the beginning of a thriller.
Almost half of people would associate creepy music with a thriller. Only 4 people would associate bassy music with a thriller therefore this will help us decide what type of music to use.Red is the main colour people would associate with a thriller so we can consider using this.
22 people would rather the villain won while only 18 people would prefer the hero to win. 36 voted that the killer should be human.Most people thought that the killer should use weapons. A majority of people thought the thriller should be set in a remote location. Most people thought loud breathing was the thing that scared them the most, closely followed by silence.

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