Tuesday 28 April 2009

Section 5: Synopsis & Treatment

As the Royal North Western Mental Institute mistakes papers, little to they know of the catastrophic events that Derek Hunt will cause to the family he left behind; making his child’s favourite game of Hide & Seek into a sinister tale of twists and turns. If you think you’ve seen it all before, think again! A Physiological Thriller that will push you to the edge of your seat as you pray for the madness to end, and just as you think its over, and let your guard down, the tale will get worse!


There is a man in a girl’s bedroom, we first see a close up of his hand as he is routing through a closet slowly, as if looking for something, but at the same time tidying room, placing teddies in closet and picking up clothes, placing them in the wardrobe. Shown through the use of midshots and panning shots.We are not shown where this room is or who’s it is at this point.However there are books spread out throughout the room, all open on certain pages, highlighted certain images and phrases, there are also towels and cloths spread out in one area of the room, this is when the audience realise something is wrong as there are bloodstains on them. This is emphasised through a close up shot of the bloodstains on the cloths.The man then starts to read one of the books whilst sat on the bed and carries on highlighting areas, we see a close up of the book as he highlights it, but the content of the book is still kept hidden. We then show a close-up of the man’s left hand while he starts to stroke one of the teddies he’d placed on the bed, audience notice dried blood on the mans hand but are left wondering why and where it came from. We then see a flashback, make clear through the editing of the same man in a kitchen, routing through the cupboards making a mess and throwing pots and pans on the floor. One draw is left unopened man slowly walks over to the draw, opens it, smiles and pulls out two knives, making sure to shut it again. The man then compares the two, and slices a piece of meat with both knives one after the other, then selects the sharpest one.We then revert from flashback as we hear a sound of a front door unlocking. The shot jumps to the front door and we see it is a girl entering the house, we shoot back to seeing the man in what we assume to be her room. The man is now wielding the blade he chose earlier, slowly stroking it, we show a close up off his face to emphasis his facial expression, he is smiling wickedly.We see the girl walk through to the kitchen and notice everything strewn, and only the knife draw closed.The girl then proceeds to cautiously walk up the stairs towards her room. We see from the mans point of view, who is stood in silence staring at the door from the opposite end of the room from it, next to the bed.We can hear the girl getting closer to the door, and we see from her angle as she goes to open the door.It then changes to the man as she opens the door and we see from over his shoulder as the girl spots him, as she see’s him we see a close up of her face to exaggerate her shocked expression.

As the man continues to stalk various girls, he becomes ever much more involved and attached. We will show this by using over the shoulder shots, with the girls in the front and him in the back, blurred at the edges to show they are a clear image to him, and that they are his main focus. The killings wont be seen, but the aftermath that we do show will be quite graphic, and we will use close ups, and shot reverse shots to show the horrified looks as to what has happened.The use of music will be important for the main part of this because it will add tension as it leads up to the killings. We would use a slow paced sound as he moved up to the girl, but speeding up as he went to kill her, and then silence after 1 bass note kills the track.

The Attending detective realises that the killer is also her biological father that she didn’t know existed. She realises through research into murder cases and various other clues that he belongs in a mental institute and the people he has been killing are related to him in some way. (He went insane and started killing his family) This leads her to realise she could be next on his list. She tries her best to find him before he finds her, but she is too late. He finds out who she is and where she lives and one night she finds herself in the same brutal situation as her sister. And she dies.

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